Orange County
Santa Ana
Services that are Making a Difference
Located in the city of Santa Ana, LSS Orange County, offers housing counseling including individual sessions, group education, and live workshops to community members as well as housing services through CalAIM Community Supports for Housing Transition/Navigation, Deposits, and Tenancy & Sustaining Services.
In addition, LSS Orange County offers a Victim Intervention Program to assist and support women and their children who are victims of domestic violence/intimate partner violence. We also provide Student Loan Empowerment Services (SLES) to individuals in student debts and who are in repayment. The SLES are free services.
Emergency Services
Utilities, Motel Vouchers, and Rental Assistance
Community Education and Support Services
Housing Counseling
Care Coordination Services
Victims Intervention Program (VIP)
CalAIM Community Supports for Housing Navigation, Tenancy, and Sustaining Services