Social Services
Helping clients with many needs through case management, LSSSC operates more than 40 specialized programs. Supporting many causes they range from:
• Support for the aging and disabled
• Resources for veterans
• Transitional and permanent affordable housing
• Job training and financial literacy
• Mental health services
• Family services of all types
• Disaster preparedness and emergency response
• and many others
LSSSC respect each individuals experiences as being uniquely their own. Our number one goal is to equip them with tools and access to resources. We provide help for their family at different points along the continuum of care. This empowers them to move toward self-sufficiency and find encouragement.
List of Services
Please note that all programs/services are NOT available at every LSSSC location. Please call ahead to verify available services.
Aging & Senior Programs
Senior Companions – Serves seniors in the community by pairing them with volunteer companions who can assist with errands and other household tasks, or simply provide conversation and friendship
Locations: San Diego County
Caring Neighbors – Provides minor home care and repair for low income seniors or persons with disabilities
Locations: San Diego County
Support & Referral Services
Referral Services – helps clients gain access to healthcare, food, shelter, childcare and education resources available in their communities. This includes assistance with MediCal insurance applications and CalFresh applications.
Locations: Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino (future home of the Community Wellness Campus), Long Beach/South Bay, Orange County, Riverside County, Avanti/San Gabriel Valley, San Diego County, Ventura County
Case Management – Collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and/or family’s comprehensive mental and/or physical health needs.
Locations: San Bernardino Community Wellness Center, Long Beach/South Bay, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Avanti/San Gabriel Valley, Ventura County, San Bernardino County
Individual & Family Counseling – A branch of psychotherapy that works with individual, families and couples in intimate relationships to nurture change and development
Locations: Orange County